You can save money in plenty of different ways, in almost every aspect of your
life. For example, at Christmas instead of spending a ton of money on lots of
expensive gifts for friends and family, make homemade cookies and put them in
pretty tins. Handmade crafts or a nice picture frame with a sentimental photo are
both inexpensive and thoughtful. A personal handwritten card or note is also a
lovely added touch
life. For example, at Christmas instead of spending a ton of money on lots of
expensive gifts for friends and family, make homemade cookies and put them in
pretty tins. Handmade crafts or a nice picture frame with a sentimental photo are
both inexpensive and thoughtful. A personal handwritten card or note is also a
lovely added touch
If you find yourself buying a lot of things you just don’t need like that new
handbag or that flat screen television, use the thirty day rule. Come back thirty
days after you look at something you’re interested in and ask yourself if you
really need that expensive pair of earrings. Most likely you will find that your
desires aren’t as strong after thirty days, and you may change your mind about
making the purchase. Basically, every time you buy something that is considered
a “fringe” purchase, think about it before you actually take the plunge. You just
might surprise yourself and find that you’re buying a lot of items that you normally
do not really need
You might be surprised to know that many creditors will reduce your current
interest rate simply if you ask them to. By making a few phone calls, your credit
card company may be able to lower the APR of your card. If your credit is good,
the odds are in your favor for a lower rate. If the first person you speak to does
not oblige, ask to be transferred over to a supervisor. With a little bit of time and
bargaining skills, you can probably get the rate lowered on at least a card or two.
Another option for saving cash is to use balance transfers. Most major credit
cards have offers to give you lower rates if you move your balance over. Just a
few interest points can save you hundreds of dollars per year. Look for offers that
have no balance transfer fee, and save even more.
If you have children, there are plenty of things you can do for free that don’t have
to cost an arm and a leg. Local parks are a great way for kids to get out and
explore and get fresh air and exercise. Some zoos have free days or offer
reduced rates for younger children. Local botanical gardens are another fun
place to explore. Buying toys or putting your child in front of the television is not
always the solution. Kids want to spend time with their parents, so remember that
and come up with some creative ways you can all bond and have fun together.
Quit unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking
interest rate simply if you ask them to. By making a few phone calls, your credit
card company may be able to lower the APR of your card. If your credit is good,
the odds are in your favor for a lower rate. If the first person you speak to does
not oblige, ask to be transferred over to a supervisor. With a little bit of time and
bargaining skills, you can probably get the rate lowered on at least a card or two.
Another option for saving cash is to use balance transfers. Most major credit
cards have offers to give you lower rates if you move your balance over. Just a
few interest points can save you hundreds of dollars per year. Look for offers that
have no balance transfer fee, and save even more.
If you have children, there are plenty of things you can do for free that don’t have
to cost an arm and a leg. Local parks are a great way for kids to get out and
explore and get fresh air and exercise. Some zoos have free days or offer
reduced rates for younger children. Local botanical gardens are another fun
place to explore. Buying toys or putting your child in front of the television is not
always the solution. Kids want to spend time with their parents, so remember that
and come up with some creative ways you can all bond and have fun together.
Quit unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking
Not only does smoking cause you to smell bad and have bad breath, it is the
leading cause of cancer. Quitting smoking can save you anywhere from $50-
$100 per month. Cut back on drinking as well, and you will be surprised at not
only how much better you will feel, but at how much money you have been able
to save. Eliminating these bad habits will also help save on health related costs
later on down the line
Not only does smoking cause you to smell bad and have bad breath, it is the
leading cause of cancer. Quitting smoking can save you anywhere from $50-
$100 per month. Cut back on drinking as well, and you will be surprised at not
only how much better you will feel, but at how much money you have been able
to save. Eliminating these bad habits will also help save on health related costs
later on down the line
Cancel any memberships you do not use any longer. The gym, the local country
club, whatever you are a member of that you no longer use – cancel them!
You’re probably paying monthly or annual dues that you’re not using. If you
decide later that you want to re-join, you can. On the flip side, become a member
of every single discount program you can think of. Whether it’s the local grocery
or drug store, or a movie rental store, most places now offer rewards cards and
other perks for members where you can save loads of cash
Cancel any memberships you do not use any longer. The gym, the local country
club, whatever you are a member of that you no longer use – cancel them!
You’re probably paying monthly or annual dues that you’re not using. If you
decide later that you want to re-join, you can. On the flip side, become a member
of every single discount program you can think of. Whether it’s the local grocery
or drug store, or a movie rental store, most places now offer rewards cards and
other perks for members where you can save loads of cash
Create a budget. This is perhaps the single most important thing you can do to
help you save money and get a better view of where your hard earned dough is
going each month. Write down how much money you make every week, and
then calculate what you’re spending on bills and every day expenses. Be sure to
include everything from the power bill to your grocery expenses. Look at how
those expenses are broken down, and then try to come up with some things to
cut. For example, you probably don’t watch or need every single movie channel
you subscribe to. Call your cable company and cancel a few packages or see if
they will give you reduced rates
Share your talents with others, and perhaps they can share theirs with you. Swap
babysitting nights between friends, and offer to do some landscaping for a
neighbor in exchange for electrical work. Helping each other out not only builds
relationships, but it can also be a real money saver. Try to repair your own
clothing or other items yourself before just giving up and buying a new one.
Learn to sew a button on that blouse. Try to figure out why your car is making
that loud noise; it could be something very simple and easy to correct. Some
people even learn how to cut their own hair to save money at the local barber
shop or hair stylist
Share your talents with others, and perhaps they can share theirs with you. Swap
babysitting nights between friends, and offer to do some landscaping for a
neighbor in exchange for electrical work. Helping each other out not only builds
relationships, but it can also be a real money saver. Try to repair your own
clothing or other items yourself before just giving up and buying a new one.
Learn to sew a button on that blouse. Try to figure out why your car is making
that loud noise; it could be something very simple and easy to correct. Some
people even learn how to cut their own hair to save money at the local barber
shop or hair stylist