You can save money in plenty of different ways, in almost every aspect of your life. For example, at Christmas instead of spending a ton of money on lots of expensive gifts for friends and family, make homemade cookies and put them in pretty tins. Handmade crafts or a nice picture frame with a sentimental photo are both inexpensive and thoughtful. A personal handwritten card or note is also a lovely added touch If you find yourself buying a lot of things you just don’t need like that new handbag or that flat screen television, use the thirty day rule. Come back thirty days after you look at something you’re interested in and ask yourself if you really need that expensive pair of earrings. Most likely you will find that your desires aren’t as strong after thirty days, and you may change your mind about making the purchase. Basically, every time you buy something that is considered a “fringe” purchase, think about it before you actually take the plunge. You ju...
quick and easy ways tomake big money from save money
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